Tuesday 12 February 2013

Interesting Reaction From Eve Online Extortionists

I saw the other day a reaction from the extortionists in game the other day. They seem to think that this blog is quite the joke. One even said 'I've never seen so many tears in a blog before'.

Of course this reaction is not a surprise. But the purpose of this blog has little to do with motivating the extortionists to stop abusing or extorting other players. What the commenting extortionist failed to comprehend (no surprise there) was that this blog is more aimed at the new Eve player, or the person who is considering trying the game. A bit of a 'Before you pay tons of money, know what you're getting into and paying for'.

And as I've said before, I do enjoy the game. I just wish the devs could find a way to profit from the game other than letting players be abused and extorted into using their credit cards to buy in game money to pay for losses and extortion payouts. I also think its important for new or potential players to have a good idea of what they are signing up for.

Till the next time, Fly Safe :)

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