Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Rash Of Hi Sec Miners Quitting

After seeing that the majority of extorted and abused Hi Sec miners in Eve Online preferred to get bombed out of the game rather than fighting back against the punk extortionists, one of the resistance's leaders left Eve, allowing multiple accounts to expire.

This has prompted multiple players to fold their hands too. All saying that they simply don't enjoy a hard days work followed by paying to be abused and extorted in an online game. In total, today alone, more than 18 accounts have clearly stated that they will not be renewing once their subscriptions expire.

While I wish this was an uncommon thing, its actually about as common as the sunrise. In a game where almost everything is built by players, you'd think that the industry pilots playing in the 'safer' part of the game would be considered a valuable resource for the online community. However, they are the most likely to quit the game, as they are almost guaranteed to be abused, extorted, and to have everything they have destroyed by punks with nothing better to do than harass other players.

Now keep in mind that of the 4 types of space in the game, 3 of them are dedicated to pvp freedom, and these players are being extorted, abused, and blasted out of the game in the area where pvp is heavily restricted.

Of course that would also hint towards the fact that the pilots attacking (illegally so) the unarmed and defenceless miners in an area where pvp is heavily restricted must have horribly poor pvp skills, which would be one reason why they don't bother actually engaging in pvp in a pvp area... of course it is also true that extorting and abusing players is one of the best incomes in the game, and one of the best revenue sources for the developers also.

Until the next time, Fly Safe :)

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