Come one come all! 1, 8, or 30 Plex now on sale!
Buy them now to replace all your ganked stuff so you can go out and get ganked again!
Keep CCP Rich, and keep the Goons and New Order in business.... Oh wait... there's no difference!
Have you ever noticed that once a mass ganking spree starts, there are huge plex specials every time you launch eve? Or the other way around... there is a set of specials advertised, and then the ganking starts?
Have you ever wondered... Where do they make more money... subscriptions, and plex for subscriptions? Or... from ganked people buying plex to sell so they can replace their stuff?
Have you ever wondered.... Maybe the Goons are just another incarnation of BOB? And perhaps.. the Dev corruption never stopped, but instead got legitimized by making the Player run Council Of Stellar Management and surprisingly (NOT) having the leader of the goons as the Chairman of that council?
Till the next time, Fly Safe :)
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